During the 2020 lockdown, artistic director Ella Marchment assembled an online community to produce mini operas inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic. The result was the Opera Harmony festival, streamed on the Operavision platform, for which I took part as composer of A Life Reset, entirely produced and recorded remotely by myself and the four singers. The mini opera went to win the 2nd prize of the festival and has been a unique and new way of creating music during the pandemic.
Composer and Music producer – Dimitri Scarlato
Librettist – Laura-Jane Foley
Director – Julie Osman
Anna – Kirstin Sharpin
Chorus – Philippa Boyle, Victoria Barbé, Elizabeth Sillo
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/Vza_zP0F2C8
Link to OperaVision Winners: https://operavision.eu/en/library/performances/digital-opera/operaharmony-final